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公司研制产品包括Si-PIN、硅微条SSD、硅像素SPD、PD类传感器及核心部件等产品,其主要性能指标均达到和超越国际先进水平,打破该类产品在科研项目及商业化领域长期依赖国外进口的情况。 建成IOS9001质量管理体系,申请获批专利19项,其中发明专利6项,实用新型专利13项。公司先后获批“山东省‘专精特新’中小企业”、“山东省标准化试点项目”、“国家高新技术企业”、“枣庄市重点实验室”、“枣庄市技术创新中心”、“枣庄市企业技术中心”、“枣庄市高价值发明专利培育试点项目”、“枣庄市‘一企一技术’研发中心”、“枣庄市工业互联网试点示范项目”、“山东省创新型中小企业”、“国家科技型中小企业”等资质平台。

Nuchip Photoelectric Technology(Shan Dong)Co., Ltd(here in after referred to as “Nuchip”) is committed to the localization of high-performance silicon detector to break up foreign monopolies. Nuchip is a domestic science and technology company that has acquired a good reputation in developing high-performance silicon-based radiation detectors with international level performance index.

Our company mainly includes three products:
1、Silicon detectors
We have two categories of silicon detectors:1)PIPS products used for X-ray and charged particle detection (Si-PIN detectors, Silicon Drift Detector, Silicon Pixel Detector, Silicon Strip Detector, etc.); 2)PD products of near infrared, visible light, ultraviolet wave range. (Single pixel, multi pixels, linear array, area array , etc.)
2、The readout electronics chips
The readout electronics chips include single-channel and multi-channel very low noise preamplifier chips , composite chips, high speed AD chips , etc.
3、Develop core components products used for XRF, XRD, nuclear instruments, medical imaging, industrial computer tomograghy, etc.    

Our products are widely applied in the fields of medical imaging, security device, industrial computer tomograghy, space sciences, high energy physics, nuclear instrument, environmental monitoring, food security, industrial flawing, etc.  The related products developed by our company's technical team have replaced the products of foreign companies in the fields of space science, nuclear instruments and environmental safety, etc.  

Our company's project of “Industrialization of high-performance silicon based radiation detector chips and core components” had been listed as one of major construction projects in Shandong province in 2020. The project includes the construction of 6-inch silicon semiconductor detector special process development production line and 8-inch semiconductor silicon detector special process batch production line. At present, the 6-inch production line had been completed and put into operation. This production line is a batch production line for silicon semiconductor process dedicated to the field of silicon based high-end sensors in China. The product performance index has reached the international advanced level after customer's evaluation. After expansion, the 6-inch production line can produce 200,000 pieces 6 inch silicon wafer per year.

The company had been awarded "Zaozhuang Enterprise Technology Center", "Zaozhuang Technology Innovation Center", and "Zaozhuang Key Laboratory" so on. The company also won the honorary title of "Excellent Foreign Investment Enterprise of Zaozhuang City".

经营理念Business philosophy


质量方针Quality policy

  • 恪守法规
  • 精心施工
  • 持续改进
  • 顾客满意

经营理念Business philosophy
